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Monday, September 21, 2015

Young Friends Silent Disco Rocks Candleroom {Society Pics}

Young Friends of Wilkinson Center recently hosted their second annual Silent Disco event at Candleroom.
Grafton Ifill III, Amber James

Ali Derakhshan, Curtis Jones, Tyler Leung, Penny Shumway

6 different DJ’s played in two sets of three.  Three DJ's kicked off the event -- Bryan Turner, Eric Bodiwala and Shawn Prestridge.  Later in the night Luis Sanchez, DJ Feezy and Brady Urrunaga spun tunes for the crowd.

Jenn Dolim, OJ DeSouza, Baylea Wood
 Each patron was given a set of headphones with three different frequencies and depending what frequency you picked the headphones would light up different colors. Each color corresponded to a DJ that was djing at that particular time.  
Lauren Mason, Kristen Johnson, Michael Graska
The reason it is called a Silent Disco is because there is no music playing in the background when you take your headphones off. 
Silent Disco Event at Candleroom

Eduardo Marquez, Andrea Wullschleger
Attendees could purchase “Neon Gift bags” for $10 which included two pairs of light up glow glasses, 2 glow necklaces, 2 glow bracelets and 1 glow cup to follow our theme “Neon Silent Disco.”
Ryan Hoopes, Vodi Cook
Sponsors included Yoozy, Dallas Executive Club, The Ailshire Family, Signature Baking Company, OJ DeSouza, Roberto Quiroz Mata, Candleroom and Full Spectrum Diagnostics.

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