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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Mad Hatter’s Luncheon Theme Reveal


It was a wonderful sight of fantastic lights and holiday decorations that greeted guests at the front entrance of hosts Jennifer and Steve Houghton’s home as they welcomed everyone for the Mad Hatter’s Luncheon Announcement party. Themed “Candy Cane Lane,” each room in the Houghton’s home was resplendent in designs reflecting the boardgame Candy Land and its different stops along the way.

Sara Friedman, Mad Hatter’s Luncheon chair, welcomed guests as they entered and were offered cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres as they wandered through the colorful and fascinating rooms, enjoying the delicious bites.
Cindy Feld, Honorary Chair; Therese Rourk, President; Steve Houghton and Jennifer Houghton, Hosts: Sara Friedman, Chair, Mad Hatter’s Luncheon

Joining Sara were Therese Rourk, Women’s Council president and Cindy Feld, honorary chair as they gathered the crowd together for the big reveal. Therese welcomed everyone, thanking the hosts for their generous and gracious hospitality, and gave a brief overview of the Women’s Council.

Sara also welcomed the crowd saying how exciting it is to be Mad Hatter’s chair in this 37th year and unfurling the curtain from the poster, she announced the theme, Celebrating Spring in the South, to a resounding round of applause.

Hat Categories are reflected in the event’s logo

Revealing more surprise announcements, Sara thanked Natalie Taylor for signing on as the first $25,000 sponsor and Donna Arp Weitzman for the first jewelry donation from the Cottonwood Market.

Slated for Thursday, April 17, 2025 at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, the 37th Annual Mad Hatter’s Luncheon will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a Welcome Reception, a stroll in the gardens and a Silent Auction while our discerning hat judges take note of the interpretations of this year’s theme.

The beloved fashion show, presented by NorthPark Center and produced by Jan Strimple, will begin around noon.  Hat Contest winners will be announced.  This year, a Teacup Trophy will be awarded to the floral studio who donates the guests’ favorite floral arrangement to the Silent Auction.
Christine Lee, Reagan Pace, Sara Friedman, Mad Hatter’s Lulncheon chair; Katherine Sbaiti

Celebrating its 37th year, this fabulous party has been an ongoing fundraising event sponsored by the Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Monies raised assist with the development, growth and maintenance of A Woman’s Garden, a major garden at the Dallas Arboretum, and the only public garden in the nation conceived, constructed and maintained by the funding efforts of women.

Everyone is encouraged to get their table sponsorships, underwriting and individual tickets signed up ASAP, as the event usually sells out by early spring. Patron tickets are $500 each. Sponsorships begin at $2,500.

For more information, tickets, sponsorships and underwriting benefits, visit the website at or contact Sara Friedman

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