Young Friends of Wilkinson Center recently hosted their second annual Silent Disco event at Candleroom.
Grafton Ifill III, Amber James |
6 different DJ’s played in two sets of three. Three DJ's kicked off the event -- Bryan Turner, Eric Bodiwala and Shawn Prestridge. Later in the night Luis Sanchez, DJ Feezy and Brady Urrunaga spun tunes for the crowd.Jenn Dolim, OJ DeSouza, Baylea Wood |
Each patron was given a set of headphones with three different frequencies and depending what frequency you picked the headphones would light up different colors. Each color corresponded to a DJ that was djing at that particular time.
Lauren Mason, Kristen Johnson, Michael Graska |
The reason it is called a Silent Disco is because there is no music playing in the background when you take your headphones off.
Silent Disco Event at Candleroom |
Eduardo Marquez, Andrea Wullschleger |
Attendees could purchase “Neon Gift bags” for $10 which included two pairs of light up glow glasses, 2 glow necklaces, 2 glow bracelets and 1 glow cup to follow our theme “Neon Silent Disco.”
Ryan Hoopes, Vodi Cook |
Sponsors included Yoozy, Dallas Executive Club, The Ailshire Family, Signature Baking Company, OJ DeSouza, Roberto Quiroz Mata, Candleroom and Full Spectrum Diagnostics.
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