On March 26, 2011, The Dallas Institute will conduct its second Festival of Ideas in the Dallas Museum of Art.
The Institute will bring five highly regarded figures into Dallas for the day and match them each with Dallas experts to hear the wisdom of the speakers and then to generate an abundance of conversation and dialogue, both with Dallas' best and also with audiences.
The program will run from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. The day will include the plenary discussion in the morning, lunch, a topic-specific focus forum, and a topic-specific roundtable discussion. For the plenary symposium in the morning, the five featured guests will be moderated by Ringmaster Lee Cullum.
Following is the list of topics, along with keynote speakers and university partners with whom they will collaborate. To secure your place at the 2011 Festival of Ideas, click here.
"The Future of American Power": Team Leader Stephen Krasner
University Partner: SMU Tower Center for Political Studies
"The Future of Journalism and the Media": Team Leader Ken Auletta
University Partner: UNT Mayborn School of Journalism
University Partner: UT Southwestern Medical Center
"The Future of Religion": Team Leader Mark Oppenheimer
University Partner: University of Dallas School of Ministry
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