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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Guest Post: Mommies In Need!

Mommies In Need is 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has begun serving DFW families in an exciting new way.  Dallas is home to a large population of stay-at-home moms, but what happens to the family when the stay-at-home parent gets sick?

They don’t get disability, there are mounting medical bills, and most importantly the kids are thrown into turmoil when Mommy is no longer able to care for them. 

I was such a Mommy.  When my twin girls were 18 months old I became severely ill and wound up having to have two very difficult surgeries to remove my entire colon.  Then in the middle of that, a body scan revealed Thyroid Cancer and I was once again back in the hospital.  Throughout all of this, I was extremely lucky that my family helped us to hire a full time nanny to watch the kids.  It gave them stability in their lives, an ability to keep to their regular routines, and an amazing amount of peace of mind to me that there was someone taking wonderful care of my little ones while I healed.

So when a friend of mine with 3 young kids was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer and had no way to pay for a nanny, I stepped in and created Mommies In Need.  We provide nannies free of charge to families where the stay-at-home parent is going through a health crisis.  We got my friend through 6 months of chemo with a full time nanny and now that she is on the mend, we have accepted our next two families!  The organization is growing rapidly, and as we have more and more doctors, nurses, and hospitals referring families, we are trying to expand to help as many people as we can.

If you are interested in learning more about our organization you can visit our website at  We are also currently running an Indiegogo campaign to secure funding for our next two families and would appreciate your help in donating to the cause or sharing our link

Thank you!
Natalie Boyle

President, Mommies In Need, Inc.

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