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Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday's Child - Warm Hugs & Warm Soles Luncheon

I am so proud to say that my mother, Myrna Schlegel, will be the Honorary Chair for the Hearts & Hands Alliance for Wednesday's Child - Warm Hugs and Warm Soles Luncheon on the 14th of October.  The luncheon will take place at 11:00 a.m. at Northwood Club.  My grandmother is the truly one of the most generous souls in the world and she, along with my grandfather, kept over 35 foster children while raising 5 children of their own!  This makes the honor to my mother even more special to our family.  This years luncheon will feature and amazing speaker:  Chris Gardner, author of  The Pursuit of Happyness.  Chris' amazing story was also made into feature film and he was played by Will Smith.  If you have not seen it the you should run, not walk, to Blockbuster and watch it tonight!  The film, and Chris' true story, is so inspiring.  You will certainly cry so keep a box of tissues near by.  I have a feeling we might need them at the luncheon as well!  For more information on tickets and sponsorships please email Cheryl Brown at

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